
Xaydarov Abdukamol Xaqyor o‘g‘li
Nazarov Otabek Mamadaliyevich


Olma o‘simligining “Semerenko” navining barglari, ildizi, mevasi hamda o‘sadigan tuproqning namunalari induktiv bog‘langan plazmali mass spektrometriya usulida tahlil qilindi. O‘rganilgan o‘simlik namunalar tarkibida ja’mi 61 ta elementning sifat va miqdor tarkibi aniqlandi. Aniqlangan elementlardan 5 tasi makroelement, 53 tasi mikroelement va 3 tasi zaharli elementlar hisoblanadi. Olmaning o‘rganilgan o‘simlik qismlaridagi kaltsiy, kaliy, fosfor, magniy va natriy makroelementlari hamda temir, strontsiy, alyuminiy, bariy, mis, titan, rux, margaents, xrom, rubidiy va kumush kabi mikroelementlarning miqdori aniqlandi. Elementlar miqdori o‘simlik qismlaridan barglarida eng ko‘p va mevasida eng kam miqdorda bo‘ladi. Ildizi va barglarida kaltsiy hamda mevasida kaliy eng ko‘p miqdorda aniqlandi. Mevasida kaliy va kaltsiy makroelementlarning 93,4% ni tashkil etgan. Mevasida makroelementlardan kaliy(1056 mkg/g), kaltsiy(690 mkg/g) hamda mikroelementlardan temir(33 mkg/g) ko‘proq miqdorga ega. Zaharli elementlardan mishyak, kadmiy va qo‘rg‘oshin aniqlangan. Shu bilan bir qatorda olma o‘sadigan tuproq tarkibidagi elemenntlar miqdori aniqlandi. Tuproq tarkibida kaltsiy, alyuminiy, temir, magniy, kaliy, natriy, fosfor va titan yuqori miqdorda aniqlandi.


Mualliflar biografiyasi

Xaydarov Abdukamol Xaqyor o‘g‘li, Fergana State University

Farg‘ona davlat universiteti, magistrant

Nazarov Otabek Mamadaliyevich, Fergana State University

Farg‘ona davlat universiteti, k.f.f.d.,(PhD), dotsent

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

Lauri, P.É.; Maguylo, K.; Trottier, C.(2006)Architecture and size relations: an essay on the apple (Malus x domestica, Rosaceae) tree. American Journal of Botany, 93(3), 357–368.

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Jules Janick, James N. Cummins, Susan K. Brown, Minou Hemmat.(1996). Chapter 1: Apples". InJules Janick and James N. Moore. Fruit Breeding, Volume I: Tree and Tropical Fruits. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Skinner, R. C., Gigliotti, J. C, Ku, K. M., Tou, J. C. (2018). A comprehensive analysis of the composition, health benefits, and safety of apple pomace. Nutrition Reviews, 76(12), 893–909.

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Šavikin, K.; Živkovic, J.; Zdunic, G.; Godevac, D.; Dordevic, B.; Dojcinovic, B.; Dor devic, N. (2014). Phenolic and mineral profles of four Balkan indigenous apple cultivars monitored at two different maturity stages. J. Food Compos. Anal, 35, 101-111.

Todea, D.; Cadar, O.; Simedru, D.; Roman, C.; Tanaselia, C.; Suatean, I.; Naghiu, A. (2014). Determination of Major-to-Trace Minerals and Polyphenols in Different Apple Cultivars. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobot. 42, 523-529.

Komolova M., Nazarov O., Mamajanova I. (2023). Investigation of the elemental composition of the plant Prunus cerasus L. by ICP-MS. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 2,132.

Mirzabdullaeva D., Nazarov O. (2023). Investigation of the mineral composition of the plant Prúnus armeníaca L. inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 1,126.

Nazarova N., Nazarov O. (2023). Investigation of the composition of macro- and microelements of plum fruits and kernels of the stones by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 2,131.
