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Islomjon Zokirov
Bahtiyorjon Abduvaliyev


This article is devoted to helminths of poultry. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the scientific literature on helminths in poultry. Methods for studying helminths are described in detail. It is proposed to implement a number of preventive measures in order to prevent infection of poultry with helminthic diseases and reduce the impact on food safety. In particular, to minimize the damage caused by helminths to poultry, regular monitoring, early detection and appropriate treatment or preventive measures are desirable.

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How to Cite
Zokirov, I., & Abduvaliyev, B. (2023). SOME INFORMATION ABOUT HELMINTS OF DOMESTIC POULTRY. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 29(4), 84. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Islomjon Zokirov, Fergana Stete University

Farg‘ona davlat universiteti, b.f.d.,dotsent

Bahtiyorjon Abduvaliyev, Fergana Stete University

Farg‘ona davlat universiteti tadqiqotchisi


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Zokirov I.I., Abduvaliyev B.A. Farg‘ona tumaninining yovvoyi qushlari va uy parrandalarida ko‘p uchraydigan gelmintlar haqida // International scientific journal science and innovation. Special issue “Actual issues of agricultural development: Problems and solutions”, June 2023. 72-74 b.

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