
Jabbarov Zafarjon Abdukarimovich
Jabborova Dilfuza Pushkinovna
Jabborova Dilfuza Pushkinovna
Dustova Mehrigul


Maqolada bamiya o‘simligi ildiz tizimining morfologik ko‘rsatkichlariga biochar va mineral o‘g‘itlarning ta’siri o‘rganilgan. Bamiya o‘simligining umumiy ildiz uzunligini, ildiz diametrini, ildiz yuzasini va ildiz hajmini birgalikda biochar va mineral o‘g‘itlar qo‘llanilgan variantlar eng yuqori oshirganligi aniqlangan.


Mualliflar biografiyasi

Jabbarov Zafarjon Abdukarimovich, O‘zbekiston Milliy Univeristeti

O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti tuproqshunoslik kafedrasi, biologiya fanlari doktori, professor

Jabborova Dilfuza Pushkinovna, O‘zbekiston Milliy Univeristeti

O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti yetakchi ilmiy xodimi, biologiya fanlari doktori

Jabborova Dilfuza Pushkinovna, O‘zbekiston Milliy Univeristeti

O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti yetakchi ilmiy xodimi, biologiya fanlari doktori

Dustova Mehrigul, Gʻijduvon tumani 60-maktab

Buxoro viloyati Gʻijduvon tumani 60-maktab biologiya fani o‘qituvchisi

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

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Głodowska, M.; Schwinghamer, T.; Husk, B.; Smith, D. Biochar based inoculants improve soybean growth and nodulation. Agricultural Sciences 2017, 8, 1048-1064.

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Johannes Lehmann and Stephen Joseph. Biochar for Environmental Management Science and Technology. London Sterling VA, 2009. 22883 Quicksilver Drive, Sterling, VA 20166-2012, USA, ISBN: 978-1-84407-658-1. pp. 449.

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Asai, H.; Samson, B.K.; Stephan, H.M.; Songyikhangsuthor, K.; Homma, K.; Kiyono, Y.; Inoue, Y.; Shiraiwa, T.; Horie, T. Biochar amendment techniques for upland rice production in Northern Laos: 1. Soil physical properties, leaf SPAD and grain yield. Field crops research 2009, 111, 81-84.

Chan, K.Y.; Van Zwieten, L.; Meszaros, I.; Downie, A.; Joseph, S. Agronomic values of greenwaste biochar as a soil amendment. Soil Research 2008, 45, 629-634.

Jiang, C.; Yu, G.; Li, Y.; Cao, G.; Yang, Z.; Sheng, W.; Yu, W. Nutrient resorption of coexistence species in alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau explains plant adaptation to nutrient-poor environment. Ecological Engineering 2012, 44, 1-9.

Artiola JF, Rasmussen C, Freitas R. Effects of a biochar-amended alkaline soil on the growth of romaine lettuce and bermudagrass. Soil Science. 2012 Sep 1;177(9):561-70.

Akhtar SS, Li G, Andersen MN, Liu F. Biochar enhances yield and quality of tomato under reduced irrigation. Agricultural Water Management. 2014 May 31;138:37-44.

Upadhyay KP, George D, Swift RS, Galea V. The influence of biochar on growth of lettuce and potato. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2014 Mar 1;13(3):541-6.

Wan H, Liu X, Shi Q, Chen Y, Jiang M, Zhang J, Cui B, Hou J, Wei Z, Hossain MA, Liu F. Biochar amendment alters root morphology of maize plant: Its implications in enhancing nutrient uptake and shoot growth under reduced irrigation regimes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023 Jan 20;14:1122742.

Ushbu muallif(lar)ning maqolalari, eng ko‘p o‘qilgan