Основное содержимое статьи

Yulduzxon Shuxratova


  1. The purpose of the research: to reveal the importance and role of lexical-morphological tools in the formation of the simile relationship, to analyze with examples, to reveal its expression in simple and compound sentences with the help of linguistic evidence, and to theoretically analyze the importance and role of the simile relationship in Uzbek linguistics consists of justification. 2. Research methods: methods such as description, classification, comparison, contrast, substantive analysis were used to clarify the topic. 3. Research results: the conclusions and analyzes obtained as a result of the systematic study of the means of expressing the relation of simile are based on the fact that they serve as an analysis of scientific research conducted in syntax, morphology and text linguistics, which are departments of linguistics. The relation of simile was studied as a separate object in Uzbek linguistics, the expression of linguistic means at different levels was studied, the importance and use of the relation of simile in speech was scientifically studied, the linguistic means expressing the relation of simile were classified. 4. Conclusion: the relationship of analogy is realized in the language through linguistic means such as affixes, lexical units, morphological units, syntactic units and text unit. The formal indicators of simile function in the device of simile to create a new word, give additional meaning, perform the function of a sentence, the subject of simile and the standard of simile. in similes, it expresses the relationship of simile without means in a syntactic way.

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Как цитировать
Shuxratova , Y. (2024). СИНТАКСИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ ОТНОШЕНИЯ АНАЛОГИИ. Научный вестник Ферганский государственный университета, 29(6), 91. извлечено от https://journal.fdu.uz/index.php/sjfsu/article/view/3096
Биография автора

Yulduzxon Shuxratova , Fergana State University

Farg‘ona davlat universiteti o‘zbek tili yo‘nalishi doktoranti

Библиографические ссылки

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