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Mirjalol Ziyadullayev
Rixsiboy Karimov
Samariddin Adilboyev


In this research work, the synthesis of 2-substituted derivatives of 3(H)-quinazoline-4-one was studied, as well as factors that have a major influence on the reaction process and product yield (ratio of substances, temperature, time), physico-chemical values of the synthesized compounds. Nitration reactions of synthesized 3(H)-quinazoline-4-one 2-substituted derivatives were carried out using a nitrating mixture (HNO3+H2SO4). As a result of electrophilic addition reactions of 2-substituted 3(H)-6-nitroquinazoline-4-ones alternating with the -NO2 group of a mobile hydrogen atom located in the sixth position of the benzene chain, 2-substituted 3(H)-quinazoline-4-ones, respectively, synthesize 2-substituted 3(H)-6-nitroquinazoline-4-one. Quantitative determination of synthesized compounds by spectrophotometric analysis was carried out on the SF-46 device. A solution of 0.1 mol/l HCl was used as a solvent. The course of the reaction and the formation of the product were controlled by thin-layer chromatography. The structure of the synthesized compounds was determined and analyzed by IR, 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopy methods.

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How to Cite
Ziyadullayev , M., Karimov , R., & Adilboyev , S. (2024). SYNTHESIS OF 2-SUBSTITUTED 3(H)-QUINAZOLIN-4-ONE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR NITRATION REACTIONS. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 30(3), 151. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Mirjalol Ziyadullayev , Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti, Fizika va kimyo fakulteti Kimyo kafedrasi dotsenti, kimyo fanlari falsafa bo‘yicha doktori (PhD)

“Alfraganus university” Nodavlat oliy ta’lim tashkiloti, Tibbiyot fakulteti, Kimyo va farmasevtika kafedrasi dotsenti, kimyo fanlari falsafa bo‘yicha doktori (PhD)

Rixsiboy Karimov , Toshkent kimyo texnologiya instituti

Toshkent kimyo texnologiya instituti, Yoqilg‘i organik birikmalar kimyoviy texnologiyasi fakulteti, Asosiy organik sintez kafedrasi, texnika fanlari doktori, professor. O‘simlik moddalari kimyosi instituti, Sintetik preparatlar texnologiyasi laboratoriyasi katta ilmiy xodimi, texnika fanlari doktori, professor

Samariddin Adilboyev , Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti, Fizika va kimyo fakulteti Kimyo kafedrasi magistranti



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