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Dildor Normatova


This article philosophically reveals that existentialism can be called the philosophy of human life, the philosophy of life and the philosophy of tension, that the main thing that existentialists study is the meaning of a particular person's life. In the first half of the 20th century, a scientific analysis of the essence of Existentialism was carried out, which acquired a new and special meaning.

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How to Cite
Normatova , D. (2024). EXISTENTIALISM - PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 30(2), 56. Retrieved from https://journal.fdu.uz/index.php/sjfsu/article/view/3928
Author Biography

Dildor Normatova , Fergana State University

Farg‘ona Davlat universiteti

falsafa kafedrasi dotsenti falsafa fanlari nomzodi


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