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Malikjon Shermatov


The influence of various food plants on the development and morphological characteristics of Mythimna
unipuncta has been studied. Indicators, morphometric features and coefficient of variation of the Mythimna unipuncta
caterpillar feeding on Zea mays, Capsicum annuum, Rumex confertus differ. In this regard, the quality and physical
properties of food plants are of particular importance. All morphometric indicators of Mythimna unipuncta caterpillars
developed on corn are higher than those of sorrel samples, and they also differ in a high degree of pupal formation and
development of butterflies from them. Despite this, the sorrel plant is important for the survival of phytophages during
periods of nutrient shortage.

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How to Cite
Shermatov , M. (2024). INFLUENCE OF FOOD PLANTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MYTHIMNA UNIPUNCTA. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 29(5), 67. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Malikjon Shermatov , Fergana State University

Farg‘ona davlat universiteti doktoranti, b.f.n., dotsent


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