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Дилдора Хошимова
Мухтасар Мўминова


This article is devoted to the fact that when describing the character of images, each of the actions of its object on the way of observation, together with the indication of their positive or negative qualities, until they show what profession, what could come, in what area of skill, the skill of the image and reveal them more brightly through artistic images.

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How to Cite
Хошимова , Д., & Мўминова , М. (2023). ПРАГМАТИЧЕСКОЕ ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННО-ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНЫХ ВЫРАЖЕНИЙ ПРИ ОПИСАНИИ ПЕРСОНАЖЕЙ В ТЕКСТЕ «БАБУРНАМЕ». Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, (4), 35. Retrieved from https://journal.fdu.uz/index.php/sjfsu/article/view/1443
Scientific information
Author Biographies

Дилдора Хошимова , НамМТИ

НамМТИ, чет тиллар кафедраси мудири, филология фанлари доктори

Мухтасар Мўминова , НамМТИ

НамМТИ мустақил тадқиқотчи


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