
Ibrahimjon Askarov
Guyokhon Mominova


O‘zbekistonda keng tarqalgan sariq do‘lana tarkibidagi flavonoidlarni aniqlash. Namuna tarkibidagi flavonoidlarni suyuqlik xromatografiyasi usuli yordamida aniqlandi. Yangi uzilgan sariq do‘lana tarkibida digidrokversetin, kversetin, rutin aniqlandi. Quritilgan do‘lana tarkibida flavonoidlar miqdori kamaygani aniqlandi


Mualliflar biografiyasi

Ibrahimjon Askarov , Andijan State University

professor of the Department of Chemistry of Andijan State University, honored inventor of Uzbekistan,chairman of the Academy of Medicine of Uzbekistan.

Guyokhon Mominova , Andijan State Medical Institute,

Associate Professor of the Department of Biological Chemistry of Andijan State Medical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

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Solomon Habtemariam. Rutin as a Natural Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease: Insights into its Mechanisms of Action. Current medicinal chemistry. 2016;23(9):860-73. doi : 10.2174/0929867323666160217124333.

Amélia Miranda Gómez Rodrigues 1 , Fralini Dos Santos Marcilio , Michelle Frazão Muzitano , Arthur Giraldi-Guimarães. Therapeutic potential of treatment with the flavonoid rutin after cortical focal ischemia in rats. Brain Research . Volume 1503 , 29 March 2013, Pages 53-61

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Fan Wan , Hui Han , Ruqing Zhong , Mengyu Wang , Shanlong Tang , Shunfen Zhang , Fujiang Hou , Bao Yi , Hongfu Zhang. Dihydroquercetin supplement alleviates colonic inflammation potentially through improved gut microbiota community in mice. Food & Function. Issue 12(22), 2021. P.11420-11434 DOI: 10.1039/d1fo01422f

Jiajie Chen , Xu Sun , Tingting Xia , Qiqi Mao , Liang Zhong .Pretreatment with dihydroquercetin, a dietary flavonoid, protected against concanavalin A-induced immunological hepatic injury in mice and TNF- a / ActD -induced apoptosis in HepG2 cells. Food Function. 2018 Apr 25;9(4):2341-2352. doi : 10.1039/c7fo01073g.

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Tunde Jurikova , Jiri Sochor, Otakar Rop, Jiri Mlcek, Stefan Balla, Ladislav Szekeres, Wojtech Adam, Rene Kizek.5 Polyphenolic Profile and Biological Activity of Chinese Hawthorn ( Crataegus pinnatifida BUNGE) Fruits. Molecules 2012, 17(12), 14490-14509;

Feng Shao , Lifei Gu , Huijuan Chen , Ronghua Liu , Huilian Huang , Lanying Chen , Ming Yang Evaluation of Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Effects in Phenolrich Fraction of Crataegus pinnatifida Fruit in Hyperlipidemia Rats and Identification of Chemical Composition by Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Quadropole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry. Pharmacogn osy Magazine. 2017 Oct-Dec; 13(52): 725–731. doi : 10.4103/pm.pm_402_16

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Kamal Ranjbar, Ebrahim Zarrinkalam, Iraj Salehi, Alireza Komaki, Bayan Fayazi. Cardioprotective effect of resistance training and Crataegus oxyacantha extract on ischemia reperfusion-induced oxidative stress in diabetic rats. Pharmacotherapy. Volume 100 , April 2018, Pages 455-460

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