Основное содержимое статьи

Bekmurod Allamurodov


Bugungi kunda ko‘plab davlatlar tashqi siyosatini amalga oshirish vositasi sifatida raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanishga katta e’tibor qaratmoqda. Xususan, internet, ijtimoiy tarmoqlar, ommaviy axborot vositalari, yangi aloqa kanallari kabi zamonaviy axborot-kommunikatsiya yutuqlarini keng ommalashtirish davlatning tashqi siyosiy vazifalarini amalga oshirishning asosiy vositasiga aylandi. Ushbu ishning maqsadi xalqaro munosabatlar doirasida yangi hodisa hisoblangan raqamli diplomatiya tushunchasini tahlil qilishdan iborat. Shuningdek, maqolada Qozog‘iston Respublikasi va O‘zbekiston diplomatik vakolatxonalari tomonidan raqamli vositalardan foydalanish jarayonlari taqqoslanadi. Statistik ma'lumotlar har bir mamlakat uchun taqdim etilgan bo'lib, bu yuqoridagi mamlakatlar diplomatiyasidagi raqamli tendentsiyalarning eng to'liq rasmini olish imkonini berdi.

Информация о статье

Как цитировать
Allamurodov, B. (2024). ЦИФРОВАЯ ДИПЛОМАТИЯ ВО ВНЕШНИЙ ПОЛИТИКИ СТРАН ЦЕНТРАЛНОЙ АЗИИ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ КАЗАХСТАНА И УЗБЕКИСТАНА). Научный вестник Ферганский государственный университета, 30(4), 55. извлечено от https://journal.fdu.uz/index.php/sjfsu/article/view/3831
Биография автора

Bekmurod Allamurodov, O‘zbekistonning Eng yangi tarix markazi

O‘zbekistonning eng yangi tarixi masalalari bo‘yicha Muvofiqlashtiruvchi metodik markaz tayanch doktoranti

Библиографические ссылки

Azam Hudoykulov. Contemporary Scientific Research: Current Issues, Achievements And Innovations. Digital Diplomacy In Uzbekistan: Current Problems And Prospects. Published:December10, 2020| Pages:58-61

B. Baktybekova, B. Batyrkhan. Digital diplomacy in the context of soft power (example of France and China) Халықаралық қатынастар және халықаралық құқық сериясы №2 (94). 2021 P-91-92

Botakoz Kazbek and Aisulu Almash. Facebook as a Digital Diplomacy Tool: Case of Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Social Media. University of Brighton UK 13-14 June 2019. P-156

Dizard W. Digital Diplomacy: US Foreign Policy in the Information Age. International Journal. 2001. Vol. 56 (3). 232p.

Hocking B., MelissenJ. (2015) Diplomacy in the Digital Age. P.49-50

Manor, I., & Segev, C. (2015). America’s selfie: How the US portrays itself on its social media accounts. In C. Bjola & M. Holmes (Eds.), Digital diplomacy: Theory and practice (pp. 89–108). New York, NY: Routledge.

Кубышкин А. И., Цветкова Н. А. Публичная дипломатия: учеб. пособие для вузов. — М.: Аспект Пресс, 2015. — 271 с.

Statista. Internet penetration rate in Kazakhstan from 2011 to 2021. Murojat:17.10.2023 https://www.statista.com/statistics/769863/internet-penetration-rate-kazakhstan/#statisticContainer

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan has made amendments and supplements to the Law "On the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan" as of March 3, 2021. For further information, please refer to the official link: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/mfa/press/article/details/45980?lang=ru (accessed on September 13, 2023).

Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 12, 2017 No. 827 On approval of the State Program "Digital Kazakhstan" https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/archive/docs/P1700000827/12.12.2017

DataReportal. Digital in Kazakhstan. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2023-kazakhstan#:~:text=Kazakhstan%20was%20home%20to%2011.85,percent%20of%20the%20total%20population.

Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented a mobile application for citizens. http://mfa.gov.kz/ru/content-view/mid-prezentoval-mobilnoe-prilozenie-dla-grazdan

The app “Kazakhstan Land of the Great Steppe” is available in the App Store at the following link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kazakhstan-land-of-the-great-steppe/id1117366063?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Lex.uz Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Measures for Comprehensive Improvement of the System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Strengthening Its Responsibility in Implementing Priority Directions of Foreign Policy and Foreign Economic Activity"

Recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.

DataReportal. Digital in Uzbekistan. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2023-uzbekistan