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Dilshod Mansurov
Alisher Xaitbayev
Xamid Xayitboev
Dostonxon Omonov
Shavkatjon Turg‘unboyev


This article analyzes bioactivity of citral, the compound which is present in essential oils, and utilizes of virtual screening techniques. In the study, to compute biological effects of citral, the utilized virtual screening that acts as relatively inexpensive and time saving approaches for drug discovery. Through the investigation of the interaction of citral with target biomolecules, such as the enzymes or receptors, this research tends to establish the molecular phenomena responsible for the pharmacological properties of citral. The results of this work help to develop a more precise knowledge of the anti-drug properties of citral and offer important information about drug development that will enable more effective treatments of various diseases and conditions.

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How to Cite
Mansurov, D., Xaitbayev, A., Xayitboev, X., Omonov, D., & Turg‘unboyev, S. (2024). INVESTIGATION OF CITRAL’S BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY VIA VIRTUAL SCREENING METHODS. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 30(3), 140. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Dilshod Mansurov, O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti

O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti, tayanch doktorant

Alisher Xaitbayev, O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti

O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti, k.f.d , professor

Xamid Xayitboev, O.S.Sodiqov nomidagi Bioorganik kimyo instituti

O.S.Sodiqov nomidagi Bioorganik kimyo instituti, dotsent

Dostonxon Omonov, O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti

O‘zbekiston milliy universiteti, stajyor-tadqiqotchi

Shavkatjon Turg‘unboyev, Farg‘ona davlat universiteti

Farg‘ona davlat universiteti, k.f.b.f.d., (PhD)


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