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Musoyev Umirzoq O‘roqboyevich Musoyev Umirzoq O‘roqboyevich


In this article, Shaibani Khan paid special attention to production, particularly to agriculture, in the process of creating a centralized state, and planted grain crops, cotton, and flax in agriculture by digging ditches in arid lands. Royan plant for dyeing, as well as mulberry for cocooning. It is explained based on the sources that the development of grapes, lemons and irrigated farming has had a positive effect on the development of trade and commodity-money relations, an important sector in economic life, and the number of craft districts has increased in cities due to the increase of craft industries, and new market stalls, tim and stalls have been built.

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How to Cite
Musoyev Umirzoq O‘roqboyevich, M. U. O. (2023). LAND OWNERSHIP RELATIONS AND THEIR TERRITORIAL DESCRIPTION IN BUKHARA KHANATE. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 29(4), 123. Retrieved from
Scientific information
Author Biography

Musoyev Umirzoq O‘roqboyevich Musoyev Umirzoq O‘roqboyevich, O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti

O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti o‘qituvchisi


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