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Karimov Yunus
Yarashev Quvondiq


Recent research has demonstrated that the geographical mapping, tracking, assessment, and monitoring of soil salinity, seepage water levels, and seepage water mineralization may be effectively accomplished by integrating conventional approaches with geoinformation systems methods. Geoinformation systems provide you the ability to validate the veracity of GIS-based findings and promote the findings of subsequent field studies.

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How to Cite
Karimov, Y., & Yarashev , Q. (2023). RESEARCH METHODS FOR CHANGES IN SOIL SALINITY, SEEPAGE WATER LEVEL, AND SEEPAGE WATER MINERALIZATION IN THE SYRDARYA REGION. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 29(4), 92. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Karimov Yunus, Uzbekistan-Finland pedagogical institute, Urgut branch

O‘zbekiston-Finlandiya pedagogika institute, Urgut filiali

Yarashev Quvondiq, Samarkand State University after named Sharof Rashidov

Sharof Rashidov nomidagi Samarqand davlat universiteti


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