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Erkin Bozorov
Roziyaxon Batirova


In order to improve the effectiveness of training in the article, the topic "General information about nuclear power plants" is disclosed by the method "Analysis of concepts". At present, due to the high demand for electricity, information is provided on the advantages and convenience of nuclear power plants in the production of cheap and high-quality electricity. Opinions are given on the importance of using modern interactive methods in the educational process in order to ensure the quality of education in higher education.

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How to Cite
Bozorov , E., & Batirova , R. (2023). TEACHING THE SUBJECT "GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS" USING THE "CONCEPT ANALYSIS" METHOD. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 28(5), 45. Retrieved from https://journal.fdu.uz/index.php/sjfsu/article/view/2103
Physics and technology
Author Biographies

Erkin Bozorov , O`zMU,“Fizika” fakulteti

O`zMU,“Fizika” fakulteti, f.-m. f.d., professor.

Roziyaxon Batirova , FarPI “IMT”

FarPI “IMT” Kafedrasi muhandisi


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