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Karimjon Boymirzayev
Husniddin Naimov


The article discusses the scientific basis for studying the distribution of landscapes of Fergana Valley for economic purposes, developing criteria for their systematic assessment, improving the distribution of crops based on the microzoning of distribution landscapes. Also, the influence of various factors on the distribution of landscapes, the determination of the patterns of formation and formation of distribution, the features of the formation, distribution and sustainable development of distributed landscapes, oasis landscapes that are formed in large and small areas and their gradual change, natural and geographical zoning of intermountain basins are elucidated.

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How to Cite
Boymirzayev, K., & Naimov, H. (2023). GEOGRAPHICAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH OF REMOTE LANDSCAPES OF FERGANA BASIN. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, 28(3), 67. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Karimjon Boymirzayev, Namangan State University

Namangan davlat universiteti g.f.d., dotsent

Husniddin Naimov, Namangan State University

NamDU Ekalogiya kafedrasi tayanch doktaranti


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