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Askarov Ibroxim Raxmonovich
Isakov Khayotullo
Abdulloev Obidjon Shaxabidinovich
Turakhonov Shohruh Odiljonovich


Мақолада анор пўстлоғи таркибида учрайдиган полифеноллар ва галл кислотасининг олиниши ҳақида маълумотлар келтирилган

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Askarov Ibroxim Raxmonovich, Isakov Khayotullo, Abdulloev Obidjon Shaxabidinovich, & Turakhonov Shohruh Odiljonovich. (2023). METHODS FOR OBTAINING GALLIC ACID FROM THE COMPOSITION OF POMEGRANATE PEEL. Scientific Journal of the Fergana State University, (3), 4. Retrieved from


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