
Vokhidjon Abdurakhmanov


Ushbu maqolada muqobil so‘roq gaplarning o‘zbek tilshunosligidagi o‘rni, o‘rganilganlik tarixi va tasniflanishi jihatdan o‘rganilganligi yoritilgan. Oddiy ha/yo‘q muqobillaridan kengroq tanlovlar va o‘rnatilgan variantlargacha muqobil so‘roq jumlalari imtiyozlarni ifodalash, ma’lumot izlash va ingliz tilidagi muloqotda qaror qabul qilishni osonlashtirish uchun ko‘p qirrali vositani taklif etadi.


muallifning biografiyasi

Vokhidjon Abdurakhmanov , Fergana State University

Lecturer of Fergana State University, Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in philological sciences

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

Mona Bapat, PhD, HSPP PUBLISHED JUNE 30, 2021

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Maryam Radinmanesh, Farbod Ebadifard Azar. A review of appropriate indicators for need-based financial resource allocation in health systems. Radinmanesh et al. BMC Health Services Research (2021) 21:674

John Howard, MA Ten Awesome Alternative Lifestyles May 19, 2014

Абдурахмонов В А. “Альтернатив сўроқнинг содда гаплар орқали ифодаланиши”. ФарДУ илмий хабарлар, Махсус сон, 966-969 б. 2022 йил

Абдурахмонов В А. “Альтернатив сўроқ гапларда парцелляция ходисаси”. “Анвар Обиджон ижодининг маьнавий-маьрифий ахамияти” Халқаро анжуман. 306-310 бетлар. Фарғона 2023

Abdurakhmanov V A. "Text-forming function of alternative interrogative sentences". Current issues of modern linguistics and innovative approaches in foreign language teaching, pages 286-293, 2022

M. Abdupattoev, V. Abdurahmonov (2021). Microtext composition. ACADEMICIA: AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL, 11 (1), p.466-473.

Abdurahmanov, V. Abdupattoev, M Bisubstantivation in alternative interrogative sentences. Issues of linguistic theory and practice. 2022 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6528949

Abdurahmanov Vohidjon Abdusattorovich, Methodological and semantic classification of alternative interrogative pronouns. FSU. SCIENTIFIC NEWS- НАУЧНЫЙ ВЕСТНИК. ФЕРГУ №1, 2022г