
Ёрмухамат Абдуганиев


Perftorakril va perftormetakril kislotasi xosilalarining yangi olinish usullari ishlab chiqildi. Buning uchun Lyuis kilotasining katalitik miqdordagi ishtirokida alkoksipoliftorizobutilen va boshqa xosilalaridan ftoralkil guruxini elektrofil ajratish usulidan foydalanildi. Shu usul bilan perftormetakril kislotasining ftorangidridi, efirlari va dialkilamidlari sintez qilindi. Bundan tashqari perftormetakril kislotasining ayrim xossalari o‘rganildi.


Ilmiy axborot
muallifning biografiyasi

Ёрмухамат Абдуганиев , Fergana State University

Ферганский государственный университет, доцент кафедры химии

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

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Clément De Saint Jores, Ivan Mukan, Tatyana Yegorova, Dominique Harakat, Jean-Philippe Bouillon. Straightforward synthesis of tri- and tetra-substituted 3-trifluoromethylfurans by heterocyclization reaction of perfluoroketene dithioacetals. Tetrahedron. Volume 72 ISSUE 43. 27 October 2016, Pages 6807-6814

Victor I. Dyachenko, Aleksandr S. Peregudov, Nikolai D. Chkanikov Trifluoromethyl-containing N-acylmethylenequinone imines as novel highly electrophilic agents. Journal of fluorine chemistry Volume 128 ISSUE 7, July 2007, Pages 868-878

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