
1Askarov Ibrokhim Rakhmonovich 1Askarov Ibrokhim Rakhmonovich
Nazirova Zulkhumor Abdulkhakimovna Nazirova Zulkhumor Abdulkhakimovna


Maqolada qizil lavlagi o‘simligi tarkibidagi ayrim kimyoviy birikmalar va ularning biologik ahamiyati haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Qizil lavlagi inson salomatligi uchun juda foydali birikmalarga boy bo‘lib, uning tarkibida vitaminlar, minerallar, fenol birikmalar, karotinoidlar, nitratlar, askorbin kislota, betalain pigmentlar va shu kabi ko‘plab biologik faol birikmalar uchraydi. Ushbu maqolada o‘simlik tarkibidagi uglevodlar, aminokislotalar, vitaminlar, minerallar va ularning organizmda bajaradigan funksiyalari to‘g‘risida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.


Mualliflar biografiyasi

1Askarov Ibrokhim Rakhmonovich 1Askarov Ibrokhim Rakhmonovich

Andijan State University, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Nazirova Zulkhumor Abdulkhakimovna Nazirova Zulkhumor Abdulkhakimovna

Lecturer, freelance researcher at the public health College named after Abu Ali ibn Sino in Pakhtaabad

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar


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Clifford, T., Howatson, G., West, D.J., Stevenson, E.J., 2015. The potential benefits of red beetroot supplementation in health and disease. Nutrients 7,


Gandía-Herrero, F., García-Carmona, F., 2013. Biosynthesis of betalains: yellow and violet plant pigments. Trends Plant Sci. 18, 334–343

Agarwal, K., & Varma, R. (2014). Biochemical screening of beetroot leaves. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 1, 127-134.

Nemzer, B., Pietrzkowski, Z., Spórna, A., Stalica, P., Thresher, W., Michałowski, T., &Wybraniec, S. (2011). Betalainic and nutritional profiles of pigment-enriched red beet root (Beta vulgaris L.) dried extracts. Food Chemistry, 127, 42-53.

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I.R.Asqarov. Medical encyclopedia. −Tashkent. CLASSIC WORD. 2019.1142 b.

I.R.Asqarov. Mysterious medicine. −Tashkent. Publishing House of Science and Technology, 2021. 1084 p.

Clifford, T., Howatson, G., West, D.J., Stevenson, E.J., 2015. The potential benefits of red beetroot supplementation in health and disease. Nutrients 7,2801–2822.

Gandía-Herrero, F., García-Carmona, F., 2013. Biosynthesis of betalains: yellow and violet plant pigments. Trends Plant Sci. 18, 334–343

Agarwal, K., & Varma, R. (2014). Biochemical screening of beetroot leaves. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 1, 127-134.

Nemzer, B., Pietrzkowski, Z., Spórna, A., Stalica, P., Thresher, W., Michałowski, T., &Wybraniec, S. (2011). Betalainic and nutritional profiles of pigment-enriched red beet root (Beta vulgaris L.) dried extracts. Food Chemistry, 127, 42-53.

Yashwant K. (2015). Beetroot: A Super Food. International Journal of Engineering Studies and Technical Approach, 1, 20-26.

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Miraj, S. (2016). Chemistry and pharmacological effect of beta vulgaris: A systematic review. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 8, 404-409.