
Н Расулова


Мақолада тиббий терминлар ҳам сон жиҳатидан, ҳам сифат жиҳатидан жиддий лингвистик таҳлилга муҳтожлиги, уларнинг структур-семантик нуқтаи назардан тадқиқи нафақат замонавий терминологиянинг долзарб йўналишларидан, балки ҳозирги замон терминологиясининг кечиктириб бўлмас масалаларидан бири бўлиб  қолганлиги мухтасар баён қилинган.


Ilmiy axborot
muallifning biografiyasi

Н Расулова, Fergana State University

Фарғона жамоат саломатлиги тиббиёт институти ўзбек тили ва чет тиллар кафедраси, инглиз тили ўқитувчиси

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

Bagana J., Velichkova S.M. Problems of medical terminology (based on the material of the German language). RUDN Bulletin, Linguistics series, 2013, No. 2.

Chernyavsky MN A brief outline of the history and problems of ordering medical terminology // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms: in 3 volumes. About 60,000 terms / ch. ed. B.V. Petrovsky. - Moscow, 1982.

Latin and fundamentals of medical terminology, For medical students, dot. D.K.Kondratev - Grodno – 2005 - 34 p.

Medical terminology as a complex term system, Feruza Akbarxodjaeva Independent Researcher Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2020.

Motchenko I.V. The main trends in the formation of English medical terminology: author. dis. ... Cand. philol. sciences. - M .: Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2001.

Novodranova V.F. Compositional semantics as a reflection of conceptual integration (based on medical terminology). - M., 2002.


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